Welcome to the Utility Payment Customer Portal
The following services are available:
Water Billing
We now offer eBilling! Please log in and sign up today!
The City of Fountain Valley offers Autopay via Checking or Credit/Debit Accounts to pay your water bill.
- To sign up for the Checking option, click here: Autopay Application,
fill out and send to the address at the top of the application. You will need to
include a voided check with the application. Once we receive your application, we will apply the Autopay information to your account going forward.
Note: If you have already received your current bill, you will need to pay the amount due like usual and your Autopay will take effect on the next billing.
- To sign up for the Credit/Debit option, click on "water billing" to the right of this screen, to register your water account, or sign in if you have already
registered. Once on your account info, click on the "Enroll in Autopay" button, fill in your card information and click "Enroll." You are responsible for keeping your card information current. If for any reason your Credit/Debit card is declined or expired,
it can result in a late fee if not paid.
Note: If you have already received your current bill, you will need to pay the amount due like usual and your Autopay will take effect on the next billing. With your account registered, you also have the option to pay your bill in advance,
if needed. Any payments done through the website, including Autopay, are charged a $1.25 convenience fee.